Trailer for My Documentary About How Embedded Racism Shapes the Lives of Black People in America
This summer I became a student of many writers, poets, academics and listened. Intently. About Racism.
This is a clip from my forthcoming documentary. (1:39 seconds).
Check out Rachel Cargle, (https://rachel-cargle.com, and check out her Patreon for interesting readings and interviews).
I attended online talks by The Anti-Racist Table, and took part in their 30-day anti-racism meditation/writing journals to integrate theory into life. My soul.
I listened to Buddhist Oren Jay Sofar, checked out Stanford’s Conscious Anti-Racism talks. I read Bell Hooks, Ijeoma Oluo, and more. Then Listened to the Dear White Women Podcast, the Hello White People Podcast, 99%invisible, Freakonomics…and many, many more. Discussions about Racism is of the Zeitgeist – and that is a good thing.
Questions came up to be answered, but mostly, I listened.
My friend from college days has two Black sons who are college age. She aches everyday not knowing if they will be killed while walking or driving while black, or, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. SHE IS EXHAUSTED. It is because of Liz I entered this study – because she, rightly so, said:” Please don’t make Black People teach you White People your own damn history!”
Racism is not a Black People problem. It is a White People problem when we talk about race.
It has been an incredibly heart-breaking journey. Many tears were shed. A lot of introspection is needed by everyone to look at:
- How do we know what we know?
- what messages about “The Other” have we received and why do we believe it?
- Where are my biases? How did they become real to me? Are they real?
- Mythbusting, history reckoning. It is hard work, but you have to do the work. Yes, YOU.
- It’ll be worth it. I promise.
- All of my resources will be available in a list soon.
Live Streaming for Wellness Professionals
Hi friends,
“Your service is guiding a client through a first video endeavor from start to finish. You took the fear out of my hesitation to do video. Yes, it was a lot of work for us to write the content and present but we wouldn’t look good without your skills, patience, and compassion. “
Presenter #1 was in Fresno, California. Presenter #2 was in Alameda, California, 206 miles away. Behind the scenes, in San Francisco, (12 miles from Alameda)
I was operating the whole production: graphics, music, intro, video, live on Zoom, Facebook and YouTube all at the same time to their audience. ***** Because of the C-19 quarantine I wasn’t able to shoot the demo videos, but I coached my clients on how to do it. ***** Enjoy!
This is session 3 out of 3. Please check out the public Facebook group: “Learning to be Centered During Challenging Times” for all three parts.
Here’s what my clients, Denise Cicuto Acupuncture and Kate Jones, Somatic Body Centered Therapist said:
“Alison is kind, thorough, & professional. She is also compassionate and patient which helped so much because my colleague Kate and I are so new to video. Alison delivered the final versions of our videos very quickly. We kept saying Alison is a rock star at what she does. Maybe it would be more precise to say that Alison is a rock who made us shine like stars.”
“What you promised me when we first discussed ‘playing’ with video is what you delivered – a seamless video presentation with captions and subtitles and slides and music. It all looked great to us.”
Contact me: info@alisonvictor.com, and let’s get you streaming!
Instagram Support Small Business stickers now available for Insta Stories
Here’s a way to support small businesses, thanks to FacePlace and Instagram:
“The latest initiative is a new Support Small Business sticker for placing in your Instagram stories. On the IG app, tap the camera, create your story, then tap the little sticker icon and you’ll add the @mention of the local/small business you wish to spotlight. (I recommend doing a quick search to get the right account name first, before creating your story.)”
Instagram states, “To give people an easy way to show their love for small businesses, we’re introducing the new Support Small Business sticker on Instagram. When people use the sticker in Instagram Stories, their story will automatically appear in a shared Instagram story, so more people can discover more small businesses.”

Wild Words Writing Workshop Goes International~
“Blank” by Thomas Dwyer is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Friendship across the miles, across space and time, no borders or barriers! Wild Words goes live in the UK!
I met Sofia B. on an online class. Why not update skills while in C19 lockdown, right?
We keep encouraging each other to keep pursuing our dreams. Due to the 9 hour difference, we communicated via Instant messaging and audio messages. (What a beautiful accent – I could listen to her read academic books and it’d still sound like poetry to me~)
This past weekend, I got up extremely early for her time zone so I could meet with Sofia and her friends in the UK for a beautiful and liberating writing weekend. We met in my online room, played storytelling games to get our creativity juices going, and then, we wrote together for 90 minutes, three days in a row. Here’s what was said:
Thank you so much Alison, I really enjoyed this weekend workshop. You made me feel so at home, and you also felt like ‘one of us’! The poems you chose were beautiful and very inspirational. It was a pleasure to write from them. This sort of course is very special. It makes a huge difference when one can feel free to write anything and then read it out and be ‘heard’. The space you made for us felt very safe and it was so lovely to hear the writing of all of you. Wonderfully deep and interesting. I really loved too that it was over three days. That makes a difference, with time in between sessions to reflect and process. And then another day to look forward to! I also loved that you also wrote and read your work, really made it feel like we were all in it together.
This is why I have created these courses. I’m not a sage on a stage, but a leader in soul stirring, helping wake up the inner writer in you.
This is a place to meet yourself on paper, be bold, adventurous and not be judged, but held, and listened to.
Join us! Stay tuned for more upcoming dates!
Write to me: info@AlisonVictor.com if you have questions. =^. .^=
Social Media, Video Marketing & Live Streaming News
FACEBOOK – in its bid to compete with ZOOM , has now released Messenger Rooms! Perhaps this is a response to the ZOOM privacy controversy and the need for Yoga Studios, Dance studios, Teachers, everyone needing a Zoom-Like system.
Messenger Rooms hold up to 50 people at a time. It should be free to use (though you may have to pay for additions, like sharing features for a fee – not known at this time). There is no set time limit on Messenger Rooms.
People can join even if they don’t have a Facebook account.
You can share out your invite with a link from Messenger, no downloading needed for the viewers! The viewer can join by sharing through groups, events, or personal profile! You can start Messenger Room & let people in and private room join. You will be able to do this from Instagram, and the Facebook Portal, too. The viewer will just click a link and …you’re in! Then you can have effects, bunny ears and mouse noses…360’s and mood lighting.
When you create a room you can choose to see who can join you. You can remove people, and lock a room, mute all attendees. It is not clear yet if the sharing screen could be something you pay for, or if it is built in.
Messenger Rooms is rolling out in some countries this week…rest of the world in the coming weeks.
LIVE WITH – was a program that was retired, and now it is BACK! This is so you can go live with video by phone only (no other gear) and you could do a phone interview and spread the Live with your audience and theirs. Can connect on the phone ONLY, and have live conversations
Live with Facebook PAGES: you can now go live with a profile! For example: I can go LIVE with (my profile) but you can’t add another page through LIVE WITH.
Facebook’s PORTAL is a Facebook camera that is on a stand and allows you to video call with another user. The camera automatically follows you around,. You don’t need a mic – there’s one built in. NOW, you will be able to go live from the Portal, too! You can do the live from there to profiles, but now you can go to live to your page and group.
Businesses can now Charge for live streams. This is happening in EVENTS, so when you create events you have an option to go live from there. Your strategy model should be that you give away free content (downloads, pdf’s, free lives to offer some value to answer pain points your customers have (FAQ), then have a paid workshops . Facebook hasn’t announced if they will charge for this service.
NEW: Audio only option: Facebook are making it easier to access live video so you can still join in if you are having Internet issues. Say you have buffering problems, or not enough data to watch a live. The audience will then be able to turn on AUDIO ONLY as a viewer, so you don’t use up a lot of data and bandwidth with the video, but you can hear using your phone. The pages in Facebook shares the toll free number to your audience for you. I, as a page, can share that number Facebook gives me – I don’t have to set anything up! This is found In Facebook Producer, and is available now.
STARS: This is a way to financially support more creators in Facebook! These are super chats where you can support your creator by donation. The creators earn 1 cent for 1 star. Facebook live is adding donation button to Facebook LIVE. Instead of sending people off to donate somewhere else, it will be integrated into Facebook live!!!
Instagram LIVE UPDATE! Now, as a content producer, you get a link, so you share and promote commenting on Instagram videos from a Desktop. Instagram LIVE usually disappears after 24 hours from your profile, but now you can share that video to LIVE on IGTV. They are promising that they will make it “easier for finding for viewers.” Currently, there is no expiration for IGTV videos!
Now is the time to shift your business! Now is a good time to look at new ways to create business that will help you survive through this C19 time, and set you up for future financial models. You have a BIG opportunity online NOW. I am happy to help guide you in this mission! Contact me:
Alison.Victor@gmail.com, Instagram: @avmultimedia, Twitter: @AVMultimedia
The Gift Of Wild Words
Earlier this month, I gave away a Wild Words Weekend Intensive class to several people across the USA and it was just as special as I knew it could be.
We had a pastor, a body worker, a mediator, an acupuncturist, a singer and an office manager – people from San Francisco, Chicago and Ashland, Oregon, all on a Zoom Room, all strangers.
Within the first day, we were very intimate support for each other. THIS is the magic of being open to the Wild Words process.
We write to heal ourselves, not to perform for others. This practice is to help you get to what is “truth” – for you.
The more daring you are on the page, the more it makes it ok for others in group to feel ok about being vulnerable.
Look on the Wild Words page for the schedule!

Hello, world!
I have a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts.
I’ve made a few award-winning documentaries, dabble in photography, and stay current with social media marketing with video.
I have worked in live video streaming to to gaming consoles, YouTube Facebook, and more platforms as well as a Global Corporation you’ve heard of.
I also teach a “Wild Words” Workshop, to help people access their thoughts, feelings and ideas. No writing experience necessary.
Join us!