The Guttersluts!!! L-R: Alison Wonderslam Slut, Jill Starchylde Slut, Suzannarama Slut, Jessica Macadangdang de la Slut, and Tami Teener McSlut. We are SO cute here! Dr. Suess is Satan was a #1 hit on KROQ (with DJ Rodney on the Roq) in Los Angeles for 15 weeks.A skeleton hand grabbing the wearer’s left boob.Metal Mike, Alison & Julia. Metal Mike singer/songwriter from The Angry Samoans, Alison from The Guttersluts & The Gargoyles, Julia from the Gargoyles SFSlash from Guns & Roses was a fan of the Guttersluts and wore our famous “skeleton hand grabbing boob” t-shirt.Another 45 we made together, Surf City or Bust…
I officially joined the band for this album: “The 90’s Suck and So Do You.” That’s me in purple, as usual, looking pissed off at Mike.
Metal Mike from the Angry Samoans asked me to perform on these cover tunes: Deck the Halls and S & M Party. (Sorry, Redd Kross!) This version of Deck the Halls is dumb dumb rock at its best!
Metal Mike from the Angry Samoans, Alison from The Guttersluts & The Gargoyles SF, Julia from The Gargoyles SFThe Guttersluts @ Marsugis, downtown San Jose. We opened for Nirvana and L7 at this show.